Mondays Evenings
Group Coaching (6.30 to 7.30)
Bookable at £5 per session for 6 weeks (started Sept 9th – payable in advance) or
£6 per session, turn up on the night.
Tuesday Evenings
This is the Senior coaching evening (8 – 9 p.m. after the Junior coaching ) and we are pleased to announce that Pat is once again able to coach this session. Play continues until 10 p.m. if you want to stay on. Lights out at 10 p.m. please !
Thursday Evenings
If you could arrive as close as possible to 6.30 p.m. please, as this helps us sort out the initial pairings.
Friday Evenings (TeamTraining)
For those who play league matches or wish to in the near future
Bookable at £5 per session for 6 weeks (started Sept 6th – payable in advance) or
£6 per session, turn up on the night.
Sunday Mornings
There is a very informal session on Sunday mornings, which usually meets between 10 and 10.30 a.m. and runs through to 12.30/1 p.m.